Marjolein Robertson: Thank God Fish Don’t Have Hands - On The Mic

Marjolein Robertson: Thank God Fish Don’t Have Hands ★★★★

This Review is from August 2022

Comedian Marjolein Robertson is from Shetland (not the TV show, the islands located 106 miles north of Scotland). I admit that I knew nothing of the place before this entertaining, illuminating and very funny hour. I now know much more than I imagine is offered by the Shetland Tourist Board.

Robertson is an open and enthralling storyteller. She has the knack, and the skill, of drawing and keeping your attention. Her jokes are strong, her delivery is perfect.

However, live audiences produce all sorts of folk and by crikey there was a creep in the front row today. I don’t want to repeat what he said. Robertson has already recounted the story on her social media. She dealt with this individual professionally, and with class.

After relating stories of her Shetland upbringing, the comedian talks about leaving home for uni, and being home alone during lockdown. Its relatable and observational, with a surreal twist. Robertson also discusses her ADHD diagnosis in positive terms, because perhaps now her, “behaviour can be explained”. She produced a very funny home-made piece of art that illustrated ADHD in a way that actually made sense.

For all she leans into the alternative comedy tradition, it’s very easy to imagine Robertson going down a storm on mainstream TV stand up shows. I’m sure that’s her future if she wants it.

Martin Walker


Tickets for Marjolein Robertson: Thank God Fish Don’t Have Hands

Marjolein Robertson’s Profile and Social Media



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