Gabby Killick - On The Mic

Show:         Gabby Killick Game of Thongs
Venue:        Underbelly George Square - Wee Coo        
Time:         7:20pm                       
Dates:        3rd to 29th August* (Not the 15th)              
Photographer: Media Zoo
Links:        Profile and Social Media


Hi Gabby! Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Game of Thongs

It’s the show that puts the joke in woke!

GAME OF THONGS is a high energy performance packed with twists and turns. The show is a large cocktail of stand up, audience interaction, sketches and songs. The theme tune is  Masturbation In Isolation, I’m sure you will be able to relate!

In the show you’ll also meet a couple of characters like Chardonnay, the seductive wine bottle, Covid, the trolling disease and Tinder, the App that can’t stop wanking.

I mean, there really is something for everyone, but maybe don’t bring your kids?


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe?

Well, obviously the attraction is losing loads of money and the possibility of becoming a huge star.

No, I love performing at the fringe because I like being a part of the large variety of artists that attend.

You can be in the circus tent one moment,  then go watch a puppet show, take a salsa class, swing by and catch a comedian, then sit down for a play, and that’s all before lunch time and your first glass of rosé!

It’s completely hectic but equally as magical. It gives my heart a warm, fuzzy feeling for the whole 30 days. We have performers and audiences from around the world coming together and who are dedicated to celebrating weird & wonderful entertainment.


Who inspires you?

My dad. He works harder than anyone else I know. He’s the first into work and the last to leave. Always. He gave me a great piece of advice when I was younger that has always stuck with me, “the harder you work, the luckier you’ll get it”.  So I’ve always tried to follow that. But unlike him, sometimes I need a lie-in.

My inspiration from the entertainment industry comes from watching clips of Robin Williams. His repertoire of comic creations is incredible and the speed in which he can transform from one character to another is amazing. He really inspired me to bring a theatrical element into my shows.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe?

Ohhhh there are loads.  I’m looking forward to seeing Matt Price – Raging Bill and Adam Flood  – Clayhead. I’ve gigged with both comics on the circuit  and I loved their club sets so I’m looking forward to seeing what they bring to Edinburgh!


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

What do you say to yourself before you go on stage?

Do your thing and don’t care if people like it.

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