Erika Ehler - On The Mic

Show:         Erika Ehler: Femcel
Venue:        Monkey Barrel Comedy (Carnivore 1)
Time:         9:40pm           
Dates:        1st -28th August                   
Photographer: Matt Crockett  
Links:        Profile and Social Media      


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show,

It’s about my trials and tribulations with dating men in my 20’s and like just my life up to now. Which is mostly been about the fact that I be boning dudes… it’s a fun show.


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe? What do you think of Edinburgh?

I mean, it’s like summer camp but for comedians… It’s so fun. All of the most deranged  and hedonistic people all in the same 2-mile radius, that doesn’t sound appealing to you?

There are also opportunities to be seen by the industry or whatever, but in my humble opinion who cares about that. It’s a chance to sharpen your skills and hang with your peers.

The first year I went I was like this dumb 20 year old open-micer and I ended up twerking on the dance floor with a daily show correspondent. That’s the beauty of the fringe.

Edinburgh is chill. It’s a walkable city which I love. There is a skate shop that I always love stopping by so I’m looking forward to that as well and looking forward to looking at the boys in said skate shop.


Who inspires you?

Brandon Ash- Mohammed.  He’s just so funny, smart and charismatic.   Amazingly talented writer and performer. If you aren’t aware of him already, go check out his stuff. He has a few sets online.  He currently writes for Drag Race Canada which, in his own words, a lot of his work in the writer’s room is “How can we make this gay?” and I love that.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?

I really wanna see Patti Harison I didn’t get the chance to see her when she was last in the UK and I had major FOMO!!! I also want to see Mickey Overman’s show. I saw Mickeys Hour back in 2018 when I first moved and it was such a joy. I’m very curious to see her new stuff.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own

Okay Erika… What 3 Famous People, Living Or Dead, Would You Want At Your Fantasy Dinner Party?

Alison Hammond, Marina Abramović and Dennis Rodman. I think that would be a vibe and we would have birria tacos :).

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