Reuben Kaye - On The Mic

Show:          The Butch is Back
Venue:         Assembly Rooms – Check Point    
Time:          9:30pm
Dates:         3rd – 28th August (not Monday or Tuesday)         
Photographer:  Jax Moussa
Links:         Instagram   Twitter   Website   Facebook   TikTok


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

How about I tell you about me instead. They call me the Ferrari of Drag mainly because I’m shiny, expensive and on a good day I can fit four Italians inside me. And during the lockdowns I realised that the world needed a leader they can count on. A leader who won’t impregnate everyone he comes into contact with, who won’t embezzle and pork barrel millions to his mates. Who won’t embarrass us all on a global scale. Now am I that leader? Probably not but I do have an hour of fast, funny jokes with a sh*t hot band. And we’ve won some awards… that’s gotta count for something right? Or else why did I sleep with those judges?


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe? What do you think of Edinburgh?

Edinburgh Fringe is a massive, all encompassing, seething morass of artists, art and opportunity. It’s so full of adrenaline where dreams can come true! But I’m really here because it’s the biggest concentration of acrobats and mdma outside of Berlin.


Who inspires you?

I love the work of Amanda Lear, Red Bastard, Betty Grumble, Michelle Brasier, Diane Chorley, Tina Del Twist, Jayne County & The Electric Chairs. Nina Hagen, Ray Bourbon the list goes on. I started out as a fan before I was a performer and I’ll die a fan.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe?

You MUST see Average Bear by Michelle Brasier, Caravan In The Sky by Tina Del Twist,  if you’ve got kids (WHY?) take them to a Headfirst Acrobats show. I’m so keen to see all the European shows that we miss down in Australia.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

When was a moment you felt joy Reuben?

When my doctor told me I could keep the leg.

(It wasn’t a surgeon, I just found one in the park)

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