Maryellen - On The Mic

Performer:      Maryellen
Show:           Call Me Me
Venue:          Zoo Playground        
Time:           5:45 pm
Dates:          21st - 28th August
Photographers:  Keegan Joyce & Artemis Ioannides
Links:          TikTok    YouTube Trailer   Instagram   Website


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show

I’m obsessed with my show, in a good way, as in, I’m still loving performing it and I’m still excited to share it with people and I like what I have to say. I like to say I’m fiercely feminist and seriously silly. It ranges from stories from my spin instructor days, growing up pigeon-toed, mansplaining in escape rooms, and my experiences as a woman with the medical industry and my own personal story of medical malpractice. The show is full of stories and adventures and I’ve also packed it with jokes. Telling stories is definitely my strong suit so it felt awesome to put this show together and discover the hard work I’d put into punchlines had also paid off. I talk about some dark stuff but nothing I haven’t worked through and nothing is in there just for the sake of sharing some trauma porn. It’s all stuff I believe in and stuff I hope will in some way contribute to more understanding and a better world (*Tips Tiara*).


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe? What do you think of Edinburgh?

I started doing stand-up in LA, then performed in the UK, and returned to Australia. So hearing all different kinds of perspectives is really important to me and keeps me inspired and excited about comedy. I’m of course excited for people to see my show, I’m really proud of it and excited to bring it to more people. I love hearing other people’s stories, it’s purely selfish, it sparks more ideas in me and keeps me going.


Who inspires you?

Any woman who is a comedian. Too sincere? My go to creative inspos are Maria Bamford, Phoebe Robinson, James Acaster, and Beth Stelling. And just overall people that make me feel empowered and motivated to continue are Michelle Buteau, Katherine Ryan, Lou Sanders, Lolly Adefope, Judi Love, Mae Martin, Sophie Duker, Kemah Bob, and Catherine Cohen. Oh and Obviously Michaela Coel, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge. I’m aware this list is too long but it does keep going so I’ll stop here and we may as well put every other woman and underrepresented voice, going against the grain in comedy on the list!


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe?

Jacqueline Novak’s Fall On Your knees, Sophie Duker’s Hag, Sofie Hagen’s Fat, and Alok, Olga Koch, and Catherine Cohen. Those are the big ones but then I’m excited to be introduced to comedians I haven’t heard of, especially because I’ve been in Australia for the past 3 years unable to travel and there are so many wonderful people I haven’t met! I’ve been looking everyone up like mad, I never want to be a comedian that doesn’t enjoy watching comedy – I WILL NEVER BE JADED!


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

What is a gaytime?

You’ll have to see the show to find out! (Or just google it … but that would be less fun)

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