Steen Raskopoulos - On The Mic

Performer: Steen Raskopoulos
Photograph by: Adam Hedgecoe
Show: Stay
Venue: Underbelly Cowgate
Promoter: Underbelly with Token Events and Dawn Sedgwick Management


Tell me about your Edinburgh show.

It’s about a famous basketballer who comes out of retirement to help a bunch of cartoons defeat the Monstars.


Tell me about your first gig. 

I played Joseph in the year 2 nativity play. Let’s just say, it is still talked about… by me.


Do you have any rituals before going on stage?

Always triple pump for Jen, J-Mac and Elliott.


Tell me about your best and worst review.

I don’t read reviews


Are there any subjects that are not suitable for comedy?



Have you ever gone too far?

Yeah, I once slept on a night train and missed my stop. Ended up 2 hours from my house.



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