Andrew White - On The Mic

Show:          Andrew White (But Not in a Gay Way)             
Venue:         Just the Tonic at The Caves / Just the Wee One              
Time:          6:50pm
Dates:         4th – 28th August (not 15th)   
Photographer:  Karla Gowett
Links:         Profile and Social Media



Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show,

But Not in a Gay Way is a collection of some of my strongest routines from the last three years all shaped around the narrative of trying to recover my stolen wellies. It’s all about gay dating (as it was a DATE who stole my wellies!!), trying to be an activist, and accidentally attending an orgy (which is NOT where I met the welly stealing date). I’m very proud of it; I think it’s very funny, and the stories are all (sadly) true…


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe? What do you think of Edinburgh?

For me, the ability to perform for an hour every night for a month solid is like no other comedic training – I’ve always come away a much better act. Another massive part of the Fringe experience is the fact that so many of your friends are up here at the same time! It’s a massive social experience on top of the regular performance.

As for Edinburgh the city, I love it. It’s perfectly formed, consistently beautiful, and doesn’t have the choking urban feel of places like London, despite its size and influence.


Who inspires you?

Joan Rivers is definitely a big influence in comedic resilience. Her book Enter Talking really lit a fire under me. On the circuit, there’s loads of great acts working hard and producing brilliant work that make me want to put in the hard yards to do the same: Helen Bauer, Catherine Bohart, Chloe Petts, Joe Wells, Abi Clarke, Chelsea Birkby, SO MANY!


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?

All of the above are up performing and will have fantastic shows. I’ve also got tickets to Stewart Lee & Cat Cohen who are very different acts but both comedy powerhouses. Plus I want to see some more musical theatre. I was up the year Six! broke big and I didn’t get to see it; so it would be nice to be at the ground level for a sensation like that.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

What is your dream audience?

Musical theatre fans; bookish queers; Elton John loving mums, and the kind of people who befriended their English teacher at school.

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