Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School - On The Mic

Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art school is an alternative drawing movement in which artists draw glamorous underground performers in an atmosphere of boozy conviviality. Martin Walker talks to performer and model Ivvonna about their debut Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

“For the first time at Edinburgh Fringe the family that is Dr Sketchy’s Edinburgh will descend amongst the Fringe lovers of the world and tell a dark tale of mystery and suspense embellished with cabaret and the often titillating world of burlesque.

“Imagine, if you will, a version of the Edinburgh Dungeon with burlesque and life drawing thrown into a dark unearthly plain that doesn’t have an entry fee that will make you feel sick to the core. In our place you pay what you want or secure your very own spot with a princely sum of £5, we guarantee you may feel a little awkward and not know what is happening but you WILL actually quite like it in the end.

“The show will be set in the immersive realm of the Family consisting of myself, Ivvonna, and my two brothers, Boris and Gabriel. We are three loveable yet wickedly evil characters who will take the audience through a fairy tale adventure that’s certainly not for children. Throughout this journey guests will be asked to undertake life drawing challenges that test the very nature of what is art, imagine drawing with your eyes closed using nothing but your toes to make a mark. If this wasn’t enough the audience will meet special guests who have a part to play in this hour long show, posing for their pleasure, sharing songs and partaking in a little strip tease. To top the show off guests can win prizes for their artistic offerings even if they can’t draw as our family mantra dictates Even Matchstick Men Can Win Prizes Too.

Tell us about your involvement with Heroes of Fringe / Bob & Miss Behave’s Bookshop

“I came across Bob at last years epic fringe run and my brothers and I found ourselves a crevice to lurk within, it was moist, he was welcoming and like a scab you just can’t help but pick, I couldn’t leave Bob and his cosy little venue alone.

“Miss Behave was and is an icon to me and I am most honoured to walk in her beautiful red silhouette as she is a goddess of the cabaret world, a red hot starlet that could make even the devil himself blush, with these two driving the helm of the Bookshop how could I say no to this incredible duo.”

How do you describe your comedy to people who haven’t seen you before?

“Prepare yourself is all I can say. This comedy is uneasy, demented and not what you would expect for a life drawing session. You really will not get it or you will and then you will be hooked. The comedy is in your face like a punch up on a Friday night thrown into a world of dark carni pleasure and twisted silent movies of the golden era catapulted into the present hardcore world of the ultimate anti art school experience.”

If you were to write a book of your life so far, what would it be called?

Colouring in for Beginners: The Murky Tale of Ink and Rubber

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“Frank Sanazi, Pee Wee Herman and John Belushi.”

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