Bella Hull - On The Mic

Venue                   Bella Hull: Babycakes
Venue                   Bunker Two, Pleasance Courtyard
Time:                    6.55pm
Dates:                   3rd – 28th August (except 15th)
Photographer:  The Other Richard
Links:                   Profile and Social Media



Hi Bella! Tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Babycakes.

It’s a very silly show about a very silly girl (me). You should come if you enjoy comedy shows! You shouldn’t come if you hate them.


This is your Edinburgh Fringe solo debut. Describe your comedic style to those that may not have seen you before.

A woman once came up to me after a gig and said it was ‘very poor’. So let’s go with that.


How familiar are you with the city of Edinburgh?

I’m a little familiar from past gigs, and I absolutely love the city. I can’t wait to get there.


You’ve supported Russell Howard, Simon Amstell and Al Murray on tour. Any backstage gossip?

Haha – unfortunately they were all extremely nice to me at all times, which is a shame because I wanted to tell everyone how awful they all are.


Write down the question you wish I’d asked and then please answer it for me.

What’s your favourite colour?

God. That’s a terrible question. How did you get this job?


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