Jonathan Hearn - On The Mic

The versatile comedian, Jonathan Hearn, talks to Martin Walker about developing and improving, not to mention lengthening, his 2013 hit Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

“Last year I assembled 45 minutes worth of my bits together and organised a last-minute, solo Edinburgh Fringe show; which I performed straight after being the best man at a wedding. It went very well. And the show! After one performance to a packed room, two punters told me they’d enjoyed it; and much more so than the Marcus Brigstocke show they’d gone to just before.

“My arrogance duly fed, I of course immediately started planning an improved, longer version.That’s what this year’s hour show is. It’s a guided tour through myriad blocks of humorous material. If a reviewer uses the word ‘disjointed’, I’ll take it as a compliment. It also includes a play, a wig, puppetry, singing and a small measure of brandy.”

Why did you choose to perform as part of PBH Free Fringe?

“Because it’s free.”

To someone who hasn’t seen you, how would you describe your style of comedy?

“I wouldn’t. I’d talk to them like a human being for a bit, whilst overtly trying to make them laugh until they worked it out for themselves. Someone did once say “a bit like Julian Barratt”, but I can’t remember who or when that was. Perhaps it happened in a dream. Perhaps I’d just quoted Julian Barratt to said someone.”

What was your best experience on stage?

“Hmmmm… Well, it’ll have to have been an ad lib which went well. I did once respond to “what’s your policy on heckling?” with “you’ve just broken it”, with a pause of under one second in-between. Is that funny? THEY thought so. And so did I.”

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“Eddie Mair – from Radio 4’s PM – doing the stand-up.Accompanied by Hugh Laurie on piano.”

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