Kim Kalish - On The Mic

Show:         The Funny Thing About Death
Performer:    Kim Kalish        
Venue:        Greenside @ Infirmary Street         
Time:         8.50pm                       
Dates:        5th-27th Aug (not 14th, 21st)                       
Photographer: Matt Kalish
Links:        Profile and Social Media


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

The Funny Thing About Death sits at the intersection of storytelling, theatre, and stand up. Through a series of interconnected stories, I tell you about the love of my life, how he died suddenly and all those wacky things I did while I grieved like buying $1000 worth of Billy Joel songs in 30 minutes or singing karaoke on the day he died. It’s about that all too human condition of grieving, and about the strength that comes with humour.


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe?

I’ve been so lucky to get to perform on late night television, with a dozen appearances on Conan, and for people to connect with my work digitally with over 30 Million views. For this show, I wanted to connect with people eye-to-eye in person. Grief is a universal experience that every human will have and yet we barely talk about it. Everyone thinks it’s Shakespearian moment but really it’s Animal Planet. Grief is bonkers and I want to talk about it with everyone.


What do you think of Edinburgh?

The last time I was in Edinburgh, it was Hogmanay and it’s all a blur so I cannot wait to come back and just explore the city. I don’t want to miss a thing. I need advice! Send me your pub with the best Sunday Roast recommendations, tell me where to find the perfect cup of tea. Help a gal out!


Who inspires you?

Mike Birbligia is the first person I saw do standup in storytelling form. It was such an eye opening moment for me. I can make people laugh by telling them stories? Count me in.

When I sit down to write, I always say this mantra: “Write like Tina (Fey), be honest like Mike (Birbiglia), produce like Reese (Witherspoon), and blow things up like J.J. (Abrams).


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?

Yes! There is so much incredible talent at the Fringe. I plan on seeing as many shows as I can. I am also so excited to see Amie Enriquez’s show, Lightweight. I got the chance to see it in LA and it just knocked my socks off.


What do you want people to walk away with after seeing your show?

That it’s okay to not be okay. That grieving is bonkers and no one knows “how” to do it, but by simply allowing yourself to grieve, you honour the person you lost.

And mostly, that I am sexual god. (come see the show, this will make sense, I promise)

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