Tony Law - On The Mic

Show:                Tony Law: A Now Begin in Again
Venue                Monkey Barrel 3
Time:                Noon 
Dates:               3rd – 28th August (except 11th, 16th)
Photographer:        Storm Davison
Links:               Profile and Social Media


Hi Tony! Tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, A Now Begin in Again.

A lot of shouting and stooging about. Stupid nonsense. Reminiscing about my last couple years.  Ghosts. Mum dying. Horses. Cancelling tips.  Bunch of absurdity.  A shambles.


I think it’s fair to say that you’re a firm Fringe favourite. For the uninitiated, describe your comedy to non-Tonezone nerds.

A lot of shouting. And stooging about.  Absurdity. Nonsense.  And I’m a terribly nice chap who keeps his shadow well hidden.


How was the covid lockdown for you? How easy was it to get back on stage after the enforced break?

Terrible. Just terrible.  Pretty awesome to get back onstage being a narcissist and sharing my stupid opinions.  I’m enjoying looking back it all and trying to figure out what fuck just happened to us all.


Have you ever found yourself on stage talking so passionately about a subject that you’ve accidentally started making sense?

The only time I’ve ever made sense is accidentally.  But I fear passion.  Dangerous.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

Are you funny?

Yes. Very to some. Not so much for others.

Or. Can anyone do comedy?

Yes.  10% of all people are funny.  They like really funny funny.  The other 90% love learned comedy.  So you can learn comedy.  And get really successful doing opinions that people agree with.  But the 10% don’t buy that.  They’re busy being funny.   They know who they are.  You know it’s you.  Shhhhhhhh

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