Lucy Beaumont - On The Mic

The winner of the BBC New Comedy Award, Chortle Best Newcomer and star of BBC3’s Live at the Electric, Lucy Beaumont presents her hugely anticipated debut show at the Edinburgh Festival fringe, We Can Twerk it Out.

“It’s a step into my world, luckily just for fifty to sixty minutes”

This is your debut solo Edinburgh show. Have visited Edinburgh before?

“Oh yes, for the So You Think You’re Funny? final in 2011 and then every year since.”

You won the BBC New Comedy Award. Tell us about that.

“It was fab, such a shame to have to compete against other people though, that should be kept for sports and game shows.”

What advice would you give to your seventeen year old self?

“GO to BED you little shit head.”

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“Mick Miller and Norman Lovett.”

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