Alex Oliver - On The Mic

Alpha Child is critique of Alex Oliver as a person with a few complaints about bungalows thrown in for good measure. Alex tells us more.

It’s me trying to work out who I am, why I am and what we can do about it. It’s just a meandering examination of my life so far, the countryside, a conservative voting family, my voice, my body, a few sticky situations, wine, relationships and maturity all feature topped with a few complaints about a couple of other things!

What does Edinburgh mean to you?

Walking, flyering, panicking, gigging, drinking, stumbling, sleeping (repeat for one month).

Who inspires you and why?

Probably someone like my neighbour Phillip, he’s always happy and chirpy – what a way to live! Comedically, Dylan Moran is exceptional.

Describe your best or worst experiences on stage.

My worst was Nottingham Jongleurs – mainly because of me, a little bit because it was Nottingham, topped off by the fact my Mum decided that was a gig she would really like to see. My best, a small gig in Norwich, everyone was on board with everybody for the entire gig, the comedians were great as were the audience, no family were there – fantastic!

Describe your best or worst review.

Probably from Chortle in the final of the student comedy awards in 2014. Steve Bennett seemed to like my set and wrote that I expressed myself ‘nicely’ which I guess is a bit like a date when your opponent says he/she was ‘nice’ – so no second date but on the plus side – at least my manners weren’t appalling! Three Weeks were cool – they said I ‘induced paroxysms of laughter’ – unfortunately only my mum seems to know what that means – which might mean my whole run is a repeat of Edinburgh – oh no!

If you weren’t a performer, what would you be?

A tennis coach.

What was the last book you read?

Dan Brown – Inferno; at Secret Garden Party whilst everyone else was living in the moment.

What skill would you rather have – be able to fly or breathe under water?

Definitely breathe under water and pretend to be a jelly fish.

Imagine that the BBC have asked you to produce a primetime show. What would it be and who else would be involved?

A reality show to try and get people to become vegan. Me, Arnold Schwarzenegger, my brother, Tim Henman, Stevie Wonder, Wayne Rooney, Barack Obama, David Attenborough.

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