Hannah Pilkes - On The Mic

Show:                   Hannah Pilkes: A Woman on the Verge
Venue                   Underbelly, Bristo Square (Dexter),
Time:                   7.15pm 
Dates:                  3rd – 29th August (except 15th)
Photographer:           Arin Sang-urai
Links:                  Profile and Social Media



Tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, A Woman on the Verge.

It’s a show about our inner mess! That we’re all kind of on the verge! Sometimes that’s of a mental breakdown, but sometimes it’s a breakthrough (new love, a job, a mental obstacle). It’s an exploration of that space where you’re hanging by a thread!!..but a FUNNY exploration, using characters, physical comedy, puppetry, and the audience themselves. It’s really wacky and silly and a celebration of cringe, discomfort, and well.. mess!


You’re a character comedian, writer, actor, and clown. Which comes first?

Okay can I say it’s tied? No I’d say comedian and writer who acts and draws inspiration from clown. HAHA.. this in no way simplified things, I just moved words around.


Tell me about your Tiktok doings.

TikTok feels like the Wild West, anything goes and it’s so wild. I absolutely love it. I like to watch the miniatures videos.. where people tend to their miniature gardens, or make a grilled cheese the size of a button on a tiny grill. So calming. But my TikTok is a lot of observational comedy. Like the time I was deeply overworked and tried to power through and go to a pool party and danced as I held back tears. Or the time I learned how hard it is to sit in a rocking chair. Or the time I pretended I like drinking IPAS (they’re gross can we all admit it plz) ..Real high brow stuff like that.


Tell me about Sorry Not Sorry.

Sorry Not Sorry was a female driven sketch comedy show that was a lot of fun to do! Lots of satire and silly characters. I got to help write on it as well which was amazing.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

Jim Henson, David Bowie, Molly Shannon… I like to think if they were a throuple I’d be their love child.

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