Suchandrika Chakrabarti - On The Mic

Performer:              Suchandrika Chakrabarti
Show:                   I Miss Amy Winehouse       
Venue                   Paradise in the Vault
Time:                   12:15pm
Dates:                  6th - 28th August (not 14th, 21st) 
Photographer:           Nico Hughes
Links:                  Profile and Social Media


Hi Suchandrika. Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, I Miss Amy Winehouse    

I miss Amy Winehouse – as a lot of people do – and missing someone doesn’t feel great, so I look for solutions to that, with the help of slides, time travel and a hologram of the late Robert Kardashian.


What do you think of Edinburgh?

I’ve always had an amazing time going to the Fringe as a member of the audience. Edinburgh’s a gorgeous city and there’s no energy or atmosphere that’s as exciting as what you experience at the Fringe. It’s both exciting and daunting to have 20 hours of stage time, and a load of people in town who want to discover new comedy.


Who inspires you?

My favourite comedians from growing up during the 90s include Bill Bailey, French & Saunders, The Young Ones, Whoopi Goldberg (especially as Oda Mae Brown in “Ghost”), the ‘Going for an English’ sketch from Goodness Gracious Me and, of course, the Chris Morris extended universe.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?

SO MANY! Here’s a selection: I Am Not A Gorilla by Posey Mehta, Headcase by Kristin Mcilquham, No More Mr Nice Chelsea by Chelsea Birkby, Illegally Funny by Sid Singh and I’ve got a ticket for the Trusty Hogs live podcast recording.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

What’s your favourite joke?

I’m still looking for it. I’m very hopeful.


Tickets:                   I Miss Amy Winehouse

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