Experiment Human - On The Mic

Show:                         Experiment Human  
Venue:                       Laughing Horse @ Dragonfly              
Time:                         5.45pm                          
Dates:                        4th – 28th August (except Mondays)                     
Photographer:        Michael O’Reilly


Tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

It is a surreal comedy based on two non-human creatures kidnapping Benedict Cumberbatch, to save him from the media! It’s mad, it’s immersive, and brings you into our world.. and we hope some people might be brave enough to interact too! It’s got moments of improv in, so will be different each night.


Tell me about your previous Edinburgh experiences

We took our sketch comedy show SIS! to fringe in 2019, and had an amazing time, it helped us grow a lot as performers and producers. It was totally hectic and mad, and we encountered a wide array of different audiences. We were both exhausted and buzzing by the end of it and are excited to repeat the experience with a show we are even prouder of and have worked so hard to get on its feet! We also have worked hard with our accessibility officer to make sure this show is as accessible to as many people as possible… because everyone should be able to watch theatre!


Who inspires you?

We love classic comedians like Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy.. Harry Hill. Anything with some absurdism and slapstick in it!


Why have you chosen to perform as part of Alex Petty’s Free Festival?

We love the inclusive ethos of the Free Festival, how it makes theatre and comedy more accessible by using different spaces around the city, and using the free / Pay What You Can model! Having multi-functional spaces is also better environmentally, which is important to us too. Less energy going into building temporary/pop-up performance spaces etc.


State a question you wish I’d asked and then answer it for me.

Who is Monkion?

There’s no easy way to answer that … Come to our show to find out!


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