Sully O’Sullivan - On The Mic

Place one immigrant in residency limbo for six years, make them take the Home Office’s Britishness test, send them on two UK national tours, say they can stay, then break up the country. Welcome to one man’s national identity crisis. Sully O’Sullivan’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe show is called Nationhood.

“This show centres on three very basic questions: What defines a nation? What does it mean to belong to a nation? Am I going to get deported in November?”

Why did you choose to perform as part of Laughing Horse?

“I was always going to perform a free show because for too long the Edinburgh Fringe has been funded by the thousand pound losses of performers, but even more important than notions of a collective socialist comedic lovefest, they had the venue I wanted, The White Horse on Edinburgh’s Cannongate.”

How do you describe your comedy to those that might not have seen you before?

“I’ll let an Australian, sworn enemy of the New Zealander say it for me: ‘Delivered straight-faced, O’Sullivan’s energetic style was shamelessly shocking. The audience would think they would know where a joke was going when – BAM- he’d suddenly drop a hysterical one-liner that seemed to come from nowhere.’ – The Australian Times

“So according to that I’m simultaneously deadpan and energetic……go figure.”

What advice would you give your seventeen year old self?

“It’s too late, you’ve already fucked everything up!”

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“I’d open the doors to all up and coming comedians and make them fight to the death in some kind of narcissistic gladiatorial combat and see who wants it the most.”

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