Trevor Feelgood - On The Mic

Last year at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Trevor Feelgood was in a show called The Barnes Identity – and after the show’s run, Trevor had a nervous breakdown and ended up in his pants in the middle of Toys R Us. He also accidentally electrocuted himself and put half of Newcastle into darkness. He quit stand-up comedy but, like Jesus and Noel Edmonds, he is back for a second go.

“My show is Trevor Feelgood: Sex Machine. Crazy character comedy, one-liners and audience participation. I am bringing light entertainment kicking and screaming back into the 90s. Last year I was in the show called The Barnes Identity and after the show’s run, I had a nervous breakdown and ended up in my pants in the middle of Toys R Us. Also I accidentally electrocuted myself and put half of Newcastle into darkness. I quit stand-up comedy but, like Jesus and Noel Edmonds, I am back for a second go.”

Why did you choose to perform as part of Laughing Horse?

“I did my show with them last year and it was a great experience, they were very helpful I would recommend them to everyone.”

How do you describe your comedy to those that might not have seen you before?

“I am a one man sex machine. I go out on stage and tell one liner jokes, do some amazing magic and read from the bible. I also try and pull at least one sexy lady in the audience. I still haven’t been successful yet!

“The comedians I am most like are Russell brand because I look good in leather trousers too and Milton Jones because we get are shirts from the same place.”

What advice would you give your seventeen year old self?

“Take up stand up at 16 instead of later, when a girl said no she means no, buy shares in YouPorn and don’t watch Primeval.

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“Katherine Ryan – sexy !

“Sara Pascoe – also sexy !

“Aisling Bea – Irish and Sexy !

“And Jethro.”

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