Hatty Ashdown - On The Mic

Title of Show:           Hatty Ashdown: The Worry Drawer
Venue:                        PBH’s Free Finge @ Voodoo Rooms Speakeasy
Time:                          2pm
Dates:                         6th – 28th August (not the 15th)
Photographer:        Karla Gowlett

Links:                         Profile and Social Media

Tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

My show is about me exploring how we cope with the tough and tedious stuff in life. Did my mum’s worry hold the secret to dealing with life’s anxieties? I attempt to reframe how we treat those who grieving.
I didn’t set out to write about my mum or grief but, coming back to creating a one-woman show after so many years, that’s what came out. I thought “that’s a real mood hoover”, so the challenge was to find the fun in the uncomfortable, to be truthful about my experience whilst making sure it’s a silly and fun show

What are your expectations of this year’s Fringe?

BUSY! too many comics and not enough audience, but on the positive side of my expectation, a month away from my darling feral children.

Who inspires you?
The woman who never compromises and stays true to her character no matter what situation or people they are with. Kathy Burke.

What was it like first getting back on stage after the pandemic lockdown?
It was an outside gig in a yard and I was little nervous to what people were ready to talk about, but once we got the C word out of the way it was the best gig of 2021.

Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

If you had to write and make a radio series, what would it be about?  

I’m so glad you asked this!  Either about a 14-year-old girl whose mum has died, because kids’ films and Disney are always about the dad as I think that seems softer for the audience to handle. Or a documentary style series on the silly stuff people say when someone has died and how we need to change the landscape on how we treat those that are grieving.

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