Holly Walsh - On The Mic

Some people have got it. Holly Walsh most definitely does not. But who needs it when you’ve got a Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award and nearly two thousand Nectar points? Holy talks to Martin Walker via email about her latest Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

It’s called Never Had It – because all my life I’ve felt like I don’t have it. Even though I’m not entirely sure what it is.”

What’s your involvement with Happy Mondays at the Amersham Arms, New Cross?

“I run a gig there with my friends. I love it. We’ve had amazing people – Sarah Millican, Greg Davies, Susan Calman, Milton Jones. And lots more. I’m really proud of it. Rather than complain about the lack of gigs around, I thought I should run one myself. Also, it’s round the corner from my house, which makes it the best.”

We really enjoyed your performance on Just a Minute on Radio 4 earlier this year. And you won on your debut! What’s your secret?

“Hahaha! Years of listening. I’m a massive fan. When I was a kid, everyone else used to make mix-tapes of the Top 40. I’d make mix-tapes of Just a Minute.

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“That is an impossible question. But I’d have to say Frank Skinner. Or James Acaster. Both make me forget I’m a comic and just laugh.”

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