James Barr - On The Mic

Performer: James Barr
Photograph by: Lefteris Primos
Show: Thirst Trap
Venue: The Attic, Laughing Horse @ Counting House
Promoter: GL Talent
Online: Box Office Facebook Website


Tell me about your Edinburgh show.

Times are tough. The single life struggle is real. So I’ve basically decided to ‘pretend’ to put on a comedy show, but actually lock an audience in a room and force them to date me.


Tell me about your first gig.

It was so fun! My mum came, which was so awkward when she heard all the jokes about her.


Do you have any rituals before going on stage?

YES! I fill up my pineapple with wine and I dance to Cheryl to hype myself up.


Tell me about your best and worst review.

I’m so new to this that all my reviews are from friends, they range from “you’re so brave” to “you were the best show we saw at the Brighton Fringe” to an unwanted wikipedia edit last year “he’s not funny”. I am funny though I promise oh my god please come to my show.


During this Edinburgh run, do you plan to read reviews of your show?

Of course! I’m totally insecure and self-obsessed what a ridiculous question.


How do you feel about reviewers generally?

They’re great! It’s reviews, and comments from friends or the public that really push me forwards!



Are there any subjects that are not suitable for comedy?

It’s how you deliver it! I think there are a lot of subjects that are not suitable for all sorts of performance, conversation and comedy, but if they’re grounded correctly and you’re coming at it from the right place you can create a safe space for people to laugh at the darkest stuff.


Have you ever gone too far?

I once asked a guy if he wanted to try and make babies with me on the first date, that was pretty far- oh sorry you mean comedy… of course! ‘The Boy In The Striped Pajamas’ joke is no longer in my show after a pretty mute response at the preview!


Looking back over your time as a comedian, tell me about the best gig of your career.

I co-host an award winning comedy podcast A Gay and A NonGay and our live performances of that are always such a good laugh- exploring the admin behind gay sex and my co-host Dan’s obsession with ‘liking heavy metal music’ also making him a minority too, is both offensive and hilarious. We’re also at the Ed Fringe, August 16th & 17th, Moriarty’s at 11pm! As this is my first solo show, #ThirstTrap is defo set to be the best gig of my career so far.

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