Luke Wright - On The Mic

Show:         Luke Wright: The Remains of Logan Dankworth
Venue:        Pleasance Courtyard           
Time:         3.45pm            
Show:         Luke Wright's Late Night Dance Floor Fillers (Poems)
Venue:        Pleasance Dome
Time:         11pm   
Dates:        3rd29th August (not, 15th, 16th, 17th) 
Photographer: Emily Fae
Links:        Profile and Social Media


Hi Luke. Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, The Remains of Logan Dankworth

This is the play that was interrupted by COVID. I forgot all about it and made new work then I had to perform it for Latitude last year and it just felt so great to say those words again. It’s about Brexit, and the slow disintegration of marriage. It was contemporary when I wrote it but now it feels like a historical piece, like my other two plays. It’s more poignant for that. With a bit of clear air between us and the political events I’m talking about the play works better, it’s like we’re ready to make sense of it. Contemporary politics is infuriating and tawdry, but the politics of the past can feel profound and tell us something about the state we’re in today. It’s a pretty heartbreaking show. It might well break me!


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Luke Wright’s Late Night Dance Floor Fillers (Poems)

This is simply the VERY best 55 minutes of poetry I can do. Like, my absolute best of show. I’m pleased to say that most of it will be NEW to Fringe goers, but I do have a poem from 2018 in there and a redux of my Essex Lion poem, which is the one people most request. It’ll be mostly upbeat, funny stuff with a few little tear-jerkers chucked in for good measure.


Who else should fans of Luke wright be checking out?

None of them. When I am king poets will be first against the wall. Actually, that’s not true, I LOVE Jemima Foxtrot. She’s younger and much cooler than I am. Check her out. Also, if you want old and crusty then read some Betjeman. I like his radio essays better than most of his poems.


Given new government legislation, is it still OK to fight for our right to latte?

You’re referencing a VERY old poem of mine there. In fact, that poem is 18 years old. You’re probably the only person who remembers it, which is just as well. Just let it DIE. Every breath it takes is painful.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

Is typing the answers to questions boring and would you like to stop now?


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