Tina Del Twist - On The Mic

Show:                Tina Del Twist – Caravan In The Sky
Venue                Assembly Checkpoint      
Time:                8pm
Dates:               3-28 August 2022 (not Mondays)
Photographer:        Joel Devereaux
Links:               Instagram  Facebook



Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show?

I am a comedy concert come music romp who lives solo as a middle ager in the inner city. This is a celebration of being single and being alone together. The show also features ALL of the booze. And did I mention the bar is open during the show. I celebrate this. You won’t need it, but you may want it.


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe? What do you think of Edinburgh?

I get to be around my people and mingle on a world stage! I get to hang out with a global artistic community. I get to risk my life savings. Some people spend their inheritance travelling the world or buying a house, I decide to spend it on the stage, where I belong. Come help me spend it!


Who inspires you?

People. Everyone. Always. Wherever you are, whether it’s on a bus, a plane, a bar, or at a cemetery there is always someone who has a story much more interesting than yours. Ask questions. And if they don’t answer, make them up. Also, The Golden Girls, Nina Simone and Joan Rivers. On Sundays I lie down on the floor, open up the windows and play Fleetwood Mac really loud. It tends to clean out the cobwebs.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?


Sorry, I mean yes.

Daily, I will be at Aboriginal Comedy Allstars (not just because my nephew Wes Snelling is Directing but also because they are STUNNING). Reuben Kaye The Butch Is Back, because I am obsessed with TALENTED. The Kaye Hole, because I am also starring in it. But so much more. I am the type who at some point upon arriving on the cobble stone each day, I will point at something random in the program and take a risk. This is how the gems are discovered.


How do you explain your type of comedy fused with music?

Lightly layered with the dark. I find my audiences are laughing one minute and bursting into tears the next. Maybe that’s the gin, maybe it’s the content. I like to focus on the truth, not in terms of anecdotes, they can be fictitious, but in terms of what truly connects the room. This is not an interactive or improvised cabaret type concert. But it is live. We are all in the room together sharing a moment. Together. I love reading a room and riffing off it. Sometimes it can go off the rails but in the best possible way. Disclaimer: I know what goes into my mouth, I just don’t what is going to come out of it.

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