Sharon Wanjohi and Abbie Edwards - On The Mic

Show:             Sharon Wanjohi and Abbie Edwards: Not Too Shabby               
Venue:            Laughing Horse @ City Café                       
Time:             8.20pm            
Dates:            4th- 28th August                      
Links:            Instagram   Twitter


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show.

Not Too Shabby is a split bill show where me and Abbie Edwards explore a myriad of themes including, working with kids, religion and womanhood. At the very end of the show we perform never before seen sets that we have written for each other which will be fun and light and not at all an opportunity to address any resentment or air grievances. The sets change every night too- can’t wait to see how much Abbie hates me!


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe?

Everyone at the Fringe is very sexy. Outside of that, it’s always so much fun! It’s great seeing a lot of talented creatives in their element always inspires me to get my shit together and write. Edinburgh as a city is absolutely stunning so I’m generally excited to be spending the month there with my bestie (ewwww sincerity)!


Who inspires you?

My mum (when she’s not nagging me), my dog (baddest bitch in the game) and my comedy wife Abbie Edwards. I’m also inspired by a roster of amazing comics who are always pushing boundaries and remaining true to who they are. This includes fab comics such as Helen Bauer, Dee Allum, Omar Badaway, Joe Wells, London Hughes, Gina Yahsere, Farah Sharp and Michael Odewale.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe?

Definitely! I’ll be first in line to see Olga Koch, Helen Bauer, Sarah Roberts, Farah Sharp and many, many more sick comics. Mad excited!


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

Why does Shrek the Third actually hold up (because it does, I don’t care what Abbie Edwards has to say!)

Well, very interesting question me!

I think it’s actually a brilliant film in that it explores themes of uncertainty pertaining to fatherhood, Shrek’s daddy issues and the fear of responsibility being thrust upon you.

Also, the little ogre babies are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m not eve kidding when I say that’s what I want my children to look like!

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