Awkward Silence’s Big Break - On The Mic

Show:         The Awkward Silence's Big Break 
Venue         Gilded Balloon Teviot
Time:         2.20pm
Dates:        3rd-29th August (Not the 17th)       
Show:         Enter the Vortex
Venue         Underbelly Bristo Square
Time:         5.15pm
Dates:        3rd-29th August (Not the 17th)
Photographer: Jack Hauxwell
Links:               Podcast   YouTube   Tickets


Please tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe shows. 

The Awkward Silence’s Big Break is a comedy musical about a father and son who end up in prison together after the father accidentally implicates the son in his crime. While the father – Mike – wants to mount an escape, the son – Louis – wants nothing to do with him. Can they repair their relationship? Will they make it out together? Can we sing while dancing?

And, as well as that show, we’re also performing Enter the Vortex, a warped take on the sketch show, featuring characters like Neil Pribbins and The Wanker Brothers. That’s right: two shows a day! Ha ha!


What is the attraction of performing at the Edinburgh Fringe? What do you think of Edinburgh? 

Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful cities in in Ireland. We are in love with the Fringe and its multiple highs and lows. Like a month-long roller coaster, it keeps us lurching from the heavens to the ground and you can only get on if you’re over a certain height. We’ve seen countless, countless life-affirming shows up there and it’s still the greatest place on Earth to be involved in the comedy business. We look forward to working our fingers to the bone up there; it’s still the greatest place on Earth to be wet and exhausted (except perhaps a water park).


Who inspires you?

Together we tend to get excited by sketch groups like The Penny Dreadfuls and The Pin, and comics like Colin Hoult. Separately, I (Ralph) have always been in love – YES IN LOVE – with people like Peter Cook, Rowan Atkinson, and Rik Mayall. Vyvyan mentions The Pajama Men, HP Lovecraft and I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again – an eclectic collection.  Away from comedy it’s got to be Boris Johnson – an inspiring leader who got all the big decisions right.


Are there other shows you want to check out during the Fringe? What are they?

Very excited to see Sheeps back with a new show. Can’t wait to see Colin Hoult’s new one. And Showstopper! The Improvised Musical is a truly miraculous achievement.


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

What’s that coming over the hill, is it a monster?

It’s not, no – that’s my uncle Glen, and you mustn’t talk about him like that. Ah, he heard you. Now you’ve made him cry. This is not how I wanted to end my day.

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