Chris Martin - On The Mic

This year comedian Chris Martin’s world changed dramatically. He apparently matured after performing to over one hundred thousand people and so he decided to up sticks and move home – into his parents shed. Martin briefly meets Chris to ask about his new show, Responsibilities.

“This year I moved into a house with my girlfriend. This is the first time I have ever done this so was excited about becoming a real grown human. The problem is it’s in my mum and dad’s shed. I also talk about hair and being attacked in my bed.”

How many Edinburgh Fringes have you played now?

“This is my fourth solo show. It’s definitely the best one yet because this is the one that is on sale and I need people to come.”

You have supported Jack Whitehall, Russell Kane and more recently, Milton Jones. Any gossip?

“Comedians backstage aren’t really as rock and roll as you’d hope. The most crazy thing me and Milton did was spill some hummus backstage.”

You co-host a podcast with Carl Donnelly.

“It’s basically an excuse to talk nonsense with my good friend. We’ve started getting some awesome guests on board including Bill Burr, Steven K Amos and Bo Burnham. We want it to be an exploration of those unusual ideas we’ve had in our heads but instead often end up telling a dumb story about someone shitting themselves.”

If you were curating a stand up show for television, who would be your guests?

“I’d put on Carl Donnelly because I find it very funny and I owe him a favour. James Acaster, if I got to dress him a suit – I find this amusing for some reason – and Celia Pacquola because she is extremely funny and only over here half of the year. “

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