Tony Law - On The Mic

It’s not hyperbole to describe Tony Law as a living comedy legend. His act is unique, intelligent and absolutely hilarious. You can get hold of many of his previous shows on DVD via comedy enthusiasts Go Faster Stripe – or even better catch his live show in Edinburgh. Martin Waller asks, ‘where and what, is the Tonezone?’

“Oh. Uhm. It’s a place where I exist with my wife and kids and all nice gentle people I meet in life.
Also a nickname David O’Doherty done gave me.”

Some of your previous shows are available on DVD via Go Faster Stripe. How did you get involved with them?

“Stewart Lee said it’d be terrible if all these shows were lost forever. Acts at Go Faster don’t get huge DVD releases. I wouldn’t say no though ho ho…”

So how important is it to you to have a filmed record of your shows?

“Turns out… quite. I never thought of it before. But everything is recorded now so it wouldn’t be like I’d never existed. Actually that sounds good.”

What keeps bringing you back to The Edinburgh Fringe?

“I can’t do anything else but do comedy sort of shows. And I really love trying to make the team laugh when they ought not to. I mean that I feel proud if dudes who come to shows can laugh with me in stupid ways. I dunno. It’s not for the festival it’s for people who come to my shows and validate me as if I’ve a job.”

Describe your comedy to a Tony Law virgin.

“Shouts bollocks from a good place.”

You feature on the cover of the first issue of Sand & Deliver.

“They are lovely crazy Newcastle friends I’ve known for years who have a love of my comedy bollocks that I can’t quite understand… but am grateful for.”

Why did you leave your native Canada for the UK?

“I left the farm because of The Who. And because it was a farm in Canada. So I picked my favourite city. Had to look around the world for a decade or so first.

Do you have a view on Scottish Independence?

“Nope. As someone from everywhere and living far from where I was born and grew up, I don’t understand nationalism anymore. Or ‘where are you from?’ – The question is meaningless to me. But I comprehend that it can be important to others for good reason.”

Who inspires you?

“My wife and my kids. That’s so wet. But true. Also The Who and Steve Martin and all comedians.”

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