Lucy Frederick - On The Mic

Show:                   Lucy Frederick's Big Fat Wedding
Venue                   Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose
Time:                   3.40pm 
Dates:                  3rd to 28th August (not 16th)
Photographer:           Karla Gowlett
Links:                  Profile and Social Media


Hi Lucy, tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Lucy Frederick’s Big Fat Wedding.

This year my show is about being a fat bride. I got married last September and found myself doing a bit of body hate in the run up to it – which I’ve kept at bay for years now. But it’s so depressingly normalised – the idea that women want to lose weight for their wedding – that it’s hard not to question your love for your fat body. So the show is about my body, my wedding and about learning to take up space in a more figurative sense too.


I first saw you perform at the Fringe back in 2013, in the wonderful show, Lucy Frederick – In Pursuit of Cool. You played a version of yourself trying to be the cool kid in town. How has your comedy evolved since then?

I loved that show! It was my first go at the fringe and I had no idea what I was doing but I was having lots of fun. I think the essence of my comedy has always been about self-acceptance, but I’ve grown much braver about the content. When I started out, I was so afraid to say anything challenging or to upset anyone that I was hiding a whole side of myself and not utilising any of the rage and grumpiness. As I’ve got older, I’ve felt able to tell a vastly more honest story and present a more rounded version of who I am and what makes me laugh.


How close to the Lucy Frederick character on stage is the real Lucy Frederick?

It’s much closer now than it was when I started out. I used to be anxiously super friendly, nicey-nice but now I let a bit more of the bile out!


Tell me about working with Myra DuBois.

It is always an honour to work with a legend. My ‘good friend’ Rose is Myra’s sister and will be assisting with her show this year. Rose is full of joy and energy – she finds happiness in the smallest of things; and nothing annoys Myra more than an audience who loves Rose!


Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

What would you tell the 2013 Lucy about 2022 Lucy? 

I’d tell her to have the courage of her convictions and that while 2022 Lucy is still climbing the career mountain, she’s also realised that the climbing is the fun bit and the top of the mountain is a bit of a myth.


Tickets:                     Lucy Frederick’s Big Fat Wedding


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