Margaret Thatcher - On The Mic

Margaret Thatcher Queen of Game Shows is a comedy cabaret musical game show where audience members compete for their Jobseeker’s Allowance! Good Lord.

What does Edinburgh mean to you, Margaret?

Oh, so much! Battered sausages, bagpipes, heroin, bad student theatre, pubs open till 5am, extortionate rents, and that one really annoyed local person who needs to walk up the Royal Mile every day to get to work.

Who inspires you and why?

Theresa May. No matter how funny my show is I’ll never be able to make people laugh at me like people laugh at her.

Describe your best or worst experiences on stage.

One time an audience member was having so much fun that they threw up in someone else’s handbag. If it had been my handbag that would have been my worst experience, but it wasn’t mine so actually it’s my best.

Describe your best or worst review.

Bruce Dessau from the Evening Standard said I looked like the guitarist from Depeche Mode and then four years later said I sounded like Giles Brandreth. Presumably next time he’s going to tell me who I smell like.

If you weren’t a performer, what would you be?

Prime Minister, dear. And there may well be an opening for one coming up!

What was the last book you read?

I re-read my autobiography the other day just to check I still remembered it all. One can never be too careful!

Ask and then answer a question of your own choosing.

Who’s your favourite Prime Minister? Tony Blair. Ha! Just joking, it’s me.

Imagine that the BBC have asked you to produce a primetime show. What would it be and who else would be involved?

Margaret Thatcher Queen of Saturday Night. It’d be a Morecambe and Wise-style variety show where I’d sing songs, do humorous sketches written by Bernard Ingham, and talk to guests (but I wouldn’t ask them questions because I’d be much more interesting than any of them so they’d interview me instead). It’ll get 30 millions viewers, run forever and it’ll be so beloved it’ll heal all the political, ideological and sociological rifts in the country. TV execs, if you’re interested, get in contact.

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