Patrick Spicer - On The Mic

Show:                   Patrick Spicer: Who’s This All of a Sudden?
Venue                   Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose
Time:                   6.20pm 
Dates:                  3rd to 28th August (not 16th)
Photographer:           James Deacon Photography
Links:                  Profile and Social Media


Hi Patrick. Tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Who’s This All Of A Sudden?

It’s a super fun light show about thinking there’s something horribly and fundamentally wrong with you, and having no idea how to find out what it is or how to fix it. It sounds really bleak but actually it’s really dumb and silly. I’m really chill and cool about it. I’m nice and people like the show and they like me as well. They text that to me and I’d show you but my phone’s out of battery sorry.


Who’s This All of a Sudden? is your Edinburgh Festival fringe debut. Have you visited Edinburgh during the Fringe before? What are your expectations for the month?

Yeah! I’ve been up to do little split shows and stuff like that, but not my own Proper Show. I’m expecting to have a really fun time and see lots of incredible shows and spend a lot of time with my friends who I never get to see, and of course surf on a tsunami of crippling self-doubt and loathing. In spite of that, I’m hoping people will like my show and some nice stuff will get written about it.


You talk a lot about your private life during the show. How easy is that to do? Do you have a line that you don’t cross?

It depends how long I’ve been talking about the thing I’m talking about. There are a lot of things I only now feel comfortable talking about (on and off stage) because I’ve talked about them on stage. So there’s always a terrifying bit first saying it where I think the crowd will vomit and chase me out of town like a Frankenstein. But then there’s a great bit where I remember you can tell people anything if you’re not needy about it. There are definitely things I’m too scared to talk about, but then I never thought I’d be talking about what I’m talking about now, so I guess I’ll probably talk about them too at some point.

You’re very active online and on social media. Tell me about that.

Thanks! Like most people I have a love hate relationship with social media. I love comparing myself to other people and I hate myself. But I think one of the positives of the pandemic (and there were honestly so many), was it bullied stand-ups into making stuff online. So, I really enjoyed making silly green screen sketches and some of them did well with my key Gen-Z demo, so I’m looking forward to making more.

Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

Is there something wrong with you?

Wow, what a rude question, I can’t believe I’d ask myself that. I’ve got some nerve… To tell me the truth, I have no idea but come see my show, and I’ll find out. OK I will.


Tickets:                         Patrick Spicer: Who’s This All of a Sudden?


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