Will Duggan - On The Mic

Show:                   Will Duggan: Iceberg
Venue:                  Pleasance Courtyard, Cellar
Time:                   3:25pm
Dates:                  3rd – 28th August (except 15th)
Photographer:              Ed Moore
Links:                  Profile and Social Media


Tell me about your 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe show, Iceberg.
Iceberg is a show about rage, and the wide scope of things that we put under the umbrella of rage. But it’s also about my life, and the last couple of years. It’s a different style of show than I’ve tried before and I’m really excited to get to show it to people. And (and of course I’m going to say this) I’m really proud of the finished product and recommend everyone buy a ticket immediately.

You’re a Fringe favourite. For the uninitiated, describe your comedy style.
It’s a very hard question to answer without coming across as either pretentious or unsure in my own self. BUT I received a review once (I can’t remember where from and frankly refuse to Google it) in which I was described as a ‘cheery cheeky smiley ball of anger’ and I reckon that’s spot on. Though, I’d also use the phrase ‘very funny’. So whichever of those two suits you, take that on board, and I stress again, buy a ticket immediately.

Tell me about Funz and Gamez. Is it coming back?
Ahhh Funz and Gamez. That dogsuit. I’ve still got it the suit. Stinks. No amount of laundry can ever wash away the things that suit has seen and done. But as for coming back, that’s entirely up to Phil, we still all talk about the next direction the characters could go in, but it’s been 8 years, we’re all very busy, so for the moment I guess my answer is mind your own business.

Tell me about the National Treasures podcast.
National Treasures is a podcast that I do with Laura Lexx where we go on lovely days out. We both got a bit sick of the amount of heavy hitting, big topic podcasts that felt heavy to listen to so thought ‘oh I bet people would love a podcast of a walk around a stately home’ and to be fair to us, we’ve been proved right. And, by a stroke of pure luck, series 4 is being released at the start of August, and you can download it where ever you get your podcasts.

Finally, ask and answer a question of your own.

No, do your own job.


Tickets:                   Will Duggan: Iceberg

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